Many souls are now remembering working with the Atlantean dragons and the profound healing they can offer us at this time. They are helping us clear Atlantean Karma and get on a fast track with our spiritual ascension again on Earth.
Before the fall of Atlantis the Dragon consciousness closed down the dragon portals to keep them safe.
Many lightworkers have returned now during the Ascension process to reopen the Dragon portals and to strengthen their connection with human consciousness again.
"I call upon the wisdom of the Atlantean Dragons to come around me know. Help me to connect to your sacred consciousness. Show me my role with the dragons in Atlantis and help me to access this wisdom again. Help me to remember my sacred knowledge with the Dragon realm. Show me how I can be of service to all with this knowledge. Adoni"
Close your eyes. Take a deep breathe and allow the energy of the dragons to come around you. Notice any thoughts, feelings, visions, colours as you allow yourself to relax into meditation with them. Enjoy your healing dragon meditation journey.