Attending Workshops

attending Workshops
The Dragon Wisdom School and Elemental Beings present talks, workshops, field trips and retreats catering for all levels of spiritual growth and understanding.

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Many of the workshops take place at the Glenholm Spiritual Centre in Scotland and all the workshops are now recorded so that if you are unable to attend in person you are able to participate through the distance and recorded option.
Taking Part Distantly
As the workshops are all recorded you can also take part distantly. If you book a workshop at least an hour prior to it starting your energy will be called into the sacred space consciously and Alphedia will read out your name. 

If you book after the workshop has taken place your energy will still have been present but you will not hear your name called in, although Alphedia always calls in the energy of people booking at a later date.

The workshop is recorded and emailed out to you, edited into convenient sections as mp3 recordings by Auraengus Manu. It takes a few days after the workshop to sort the recording sound levels. You download the mp3’s onto your computer for listening, and then can transfer them if wished onto an ipad or other mp3 player. 

We use Hightail to transfer the files to you as they are too big to be sent in an email. Hightail gives you 30 days to download the recording, if you run out of time to do this please contact us and we can resend the workshop files to you. 

If you are listening to the meditation on your computer you require to use a program such as iTunes on a mac or Quicktime on a PC to experience the best quality of sound.
If you have any difficulties please contact us and we can assist you through the process. 

If you would like to receive a workshop on CD we can arrange this for you for a small surcharge, please contact us to request this.

Recorded Workshops
If you decide to purchase a past workshop from the shop you are able to download the mp3 files immediately onto your computer.
Personal Channeled Messages

If a personal channeled message is included as part of a workshop your message will be emailed out to you via Hightail a day or so after the workshop has taken place.

A personal channeled message is only available to those who purchase the workshop within two weeks of it taking place. Those who purchase the workshop after it has taken place (but within two weeks the date of the workshop) then have a two week period in which to claim their personal message after the point of purchase. After this period the channeled message offer shall no longer be available.


The regular workshops are held in the Glenholm Spiritual Centre, where Alphedia Arara lives with her family near Broughton, Peebles in the Scottish Borders.

This is a high vibration site located within Merlindale and on the Belinus Line, Britains longest leyline.

The Glenholm Spiritual Centre is set in a small glen surrounded by open countryside and fields which are home to lots of elementals, including the elves who live in the woods nearby.

As the name given, Merlindale suggests, Merlin is very close always, and Merlin birds of prey are seen flying here also, indicating his presence. Lest one should forget!

It is a magical setting to vist to experience peace and tranquility.

On occasion, as the energies dictate, workshops are held in whatever location is appropriate!
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