The New Earth Dragons have been birthed by Mother Gaia from deep within her core.
Released to the surface to hold the New Earth Template frequencies through the leyline grids of the Earth.
The New Earth dragons are fifth dimensional in frequency and form and many of you will be drawn to work with them, remembering that deep knowledge within your soul, that this is part of your calling for being on Earth.
“Greetings, greetings, greetings, it is with great honour and joy that I, Kariamfoh, come forward. I am a dragon of the New Earth. I am one of the dragons that was birthed through the portal at Uluru in our recent transmission.
As a New Earth dragon I am carrying the matrix of the New Earth template and I wish to talk this evening about the old template. The old template of the earth has not dissolved yet. It is still in place and many souls are living within it. But the New Earth template has been overlain now there is enough light within the pineal glands of humanity for this creation of the New Earth. And the dragons role is in the activation of the ley lines. In the activation of strengthening the template to raise the vibratory frequency of the earth. As the vibratory frequency of the earth rises it means it is easier for souls to wake up and remember that they are not just here on Earth having a 3D experience but they are part of a vaster consciousness. And that there are many beings who may not be physical in body but who are living amongst you all.
But of course humanity has freewill, humanity has the opportunity to make their own choices. More and more are remembering to choose connecting to the light, allowing their sixth sense to open, allowing themselves to remember their purpose. We are delighted that so many are hearing our call, who are ready to work with us in transformation and change. Who are ready to work with us to birth this beautiful consciousness for Mother Earth, for the trees, the plants, for the animals, the birds, the insects and the fish. And for humanity too, to be birthed out of their inner prisons, to be able to see through the illusions of the grids of the webs. To step out of the blindness into your own sovereignty, into your own power so that you no longer require to be led like sheep. That you can be the creators, you are the way-showers, you are the activators.
And we ask you to honour all this now. To recognise this deep within your heart as a truth, as a truth for all. We respect your freewill, we respect your choices, but we are calling out to those who are ready to remember us, to recognise us and to begin to work with us, adoni.”
14th April 2021
Find out more in our New Earth Dragon Transmissions: Click Here