The Lemurian Dragons are beautiful watery Dragons who embody the Lemurian vibrations.
They are carriers of the Lemurian Light codes and light language.
Ancient Lemuria was a time when the air was thick with water.
Humanity did not have cognitive thought, as we do now, and was more intuitive and heart centred.
As a result they were closer to being an expression of the Divine on Earth as free will was not part of the human experiment at that time.
The Lemurian Dragons are reconnecting with humanity again to support us in moving more into our intuitive selves again.
Helping us to follow the heart more and undo our conditioning through the mind.
If you have difficulty relaxing the mind, the Lemurian Dragons are excellent at aiding with this.
They bring in a calming, soothing, energy as they dissolve away all the resistance and stress that has built up for you from the mind conditioning.