Earth Healing with Dragons

Earth Healing With Dragons
Dragons have returned to Earth to help with Earth healing and to work with the Earth healers sent to Earth at this time to support Mother Earth (Gaia) with her template upgrade and holographic grid support.

One of Alphedia Arara's main missions on Earth this incarnation is to support the Earth healers through her channeling abilities and guide people in their Earth healing work with the Dragons.

She has run many retreats, held many earth healing workshops through her Elemental Beings business over the past ten years at sacred sites and stone circles. 

Earth Healing is when you are supporting the holographic structures of the Earth.

Often it involves meditation with Mother Earth, receiving activations from her and attunements and following her guidance on what work she is asking humanity to support her with at this time.
The Earth is a living conscious that works in harmony in balance all its systems intrinsically linked.

At university Alphedia studied Geography and learnt of the Gaia hypothesis proposed by scientist James Lovelock.

Before his hypothesis scientist didn't look at the Earth holistically compartmentalising her structures and studying them individually.

Many light workers are feeling the call to work with the Dragons to support the leylines structures of the Earth to power up their energy and support the Dragons in shifting the stuck energy in them.

If the leyline energy does not flow the land become sick and it not energising for plants, flowers and trees to grow.

Alphedia does a lot of work with the Dragon skulls taking them to sacred sites and asking them to activate to do clearing work on the land.

You can do this in your own garden and land you live on or a park or woodland or special places in nature you like to visit.

You can also create a dragon portal to help connect with the Dragon energy on the land and to amplify the work the Earth Dragons are doing.

In her old house Alphedia created a crystal spiral and activated it as a Dragon portal when the Dragon Wisdom School was birthed to help people connect more with Dragons.
Dragon Portal
On various Earth healing retreats Alphedia has taken groups to stone circles where Dragons have been rebirthed onto the land to help hold the 5th dimensional template of the New Earth that is birthing at this time.

All the retreats are recorded if you wish to learn about how to do Earth healing with the dragons and about birthing them. 

Dragons are excellent protectors of land also and can be used to if invoked in love and light to protect you from intruders or to transmute negative energies.

Alphedia has often invoked Dragons when she visits hospitals to clear away darker energies that prey on places where people are vulnerable often attracted by the vibration of fear that is sometimes prevalent in these spaces.
Channeling from an Earth Dragon
Here is a message Alphedia Arara channeled in January 2018 from an Earth Dragon as part of the Earth Merkaba Turn Dragon Transmission workshop.

"Greetings, greetings, greetings, I am a Dragon of the Earth. My name is Sara-Far and I have been one of the Earth dragons who has been assisting with the stabilisation of the Earth grids. 

I have been working for many millennia on planet Earth and I am excited that this day has come for this next turn of Mother Earth’s M erkaba will see her change her frequency to bring greater peace to Earth. 

Now, there are many wars and conflicts raging amongst Humanity on Earth and yet many who are not involved in war are also troubled by lack of inner peace and by turning this way it will allow those who are aware to feel more peaceful in their existence on Earth.

I am sure you can all identify areas of your life where you are struggling to feel inner peace and this is what we dragons will assist you with transmuting, the stuck energy, past life karma, the ancestral lineages that are affecting inner peace and by allowing yourselves to be more at inner peace your own merkabas’ holographic matrix shape will affect others who are struggling with inner peace also.

Now I commend you all for stepping forth for many on Earth are not yet ready to work with dragon energy and dragon consciousness and we knew that this would be the case as it always is on the journey. 

Some are ready, some have the ability to transmute and to transform more easily than others, and so by working with yourselves in essence our energy becomes diluted and others can connect to us unaware through the codes and frequencies placed with our own merkabas. 

To help integrate the change this means that everyone you come into contact with wether that be physically or etherically or through your modern age of online media your energy codes will allow another awakening within theirs. This not only helps you to fulfil your divine mission but makes you feel more fulfilled, more content and more at peace.

Know we are already now a long way on the journey you have had your growth lessons and challenges, you have ridden through them well. We dragons support you all always, and remember we are here, call upon us we will help you with your self-mastery, for self-master of the soul is what the Ascension journey is about, for as you become at one with self-mastery you become an expression of divine grace, love and peace.

This will be a profoundly healing experience for you all and know that if you’re drawn to work with the dragon kingdom you are ready to advance at great speed on your journey of light."

Channeling from the New Earth Dragons
In October 2018 Alphedia Arara channeled a new group of Dragons who introduced themselves as the New Earth Dragons.

This channeling is from the Dragon New Earth Codes Transmission workshop.

“Greetings, greetings, dear ones.

My name is Arun, I am one of the Dragons birthed of the New Earth. I was birthed forth from a vortex in Alaska.

I am encoded with the New Earth Consciousness Codes. For the New Earth grid forms more fully, birthing out of its hologram in December [2018] this year.

Many Dragons such as myself are being birthed at this time, we are of 5th dimensional light, which makes it easier for us to relate with you.

In this transmission you will meet your own new Earth Dragon Guide, who wishes to lovingly guide you with your Earth healing work and your soul healing work.

Know that as you are transformed, you have the opportunity to experience what no soul on Earth has of yet; you have the chance of redemption, but through the surrender into the new.

You see so many humans are resistant to the surrender process, for the fear imprint within you all still holds strong.

You are being called to support yourselves at this time, for the 3rd dimensional framework is dismantling further. This means old habits, old ways of response are no longer fulfilling your soul’s evolution.

Working with us will allow you to see clearly outmoded thought forms, outmoded exercises, activities you are engaging in which are making you tired, unwell, and lethargic as a race.

We say this without judgement, we say this in love, and we say this to support you.

We are now ready to support you by nurturing you, by guiding you gently to what the next stage for you as a soul is, to allow this new template to support you.

Chaos can ensue as souls come to Earth with vast knowledge and wisdom, and yet have forgotten the techniques to allow them to grow.

Know we call you forth at this time in love and light and service.

We thank you for acknowledging us, strengthening us and connecting with us.


How to do Earth Healing with Dragon Skulls

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On World Dragon Day Alphedia Arara creates a Dragon Skull Altar and explains how to do Earth Healing work with our Dragon Skulls
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