Blog Post

Following Dragon Guidance

Alphedia Arara • December 17, 2019
For years I have been working with the Dragon Kingdom and have always found their guidance to be very pertinent and helpful. But as a channel over the years I receive so much information that I've got out of the habit of keeping my notebook diary that I diligently wrote in every day when I first started out on my spiritual journey.

Various reasons for this, I met a man, fell in love, we have a wonderful child and as I got weller I was able to do more things like go swimming, go to the spa and I lost my attachment to keeping a diary of guidance.

However I wanted to share with you a recent story involving the dragons which has made me look at the importance of writing down their guidance somewhere, or at least remembering it somewhere in my head.

In March 2019 I channeled a Water Dragon Workshop, many of you may have taken part in this, if not it is available as an automatic download on the shop for you to experience the beautiful frequency of the Water Dragons.

Now the Water Dragons live in large water bodies, it may be an ocean, maybe a sea, maybe a loch or a lake or a river.

These beautiful dragons are powerful healers to work with. The Water dragons connect very much with Human's emotional body and the emotional body of Mother Earth.

During this workshop I was told that the Aegean sea would be the most healing sea and water body to visit. At the time I thought make a note to myself, look up where the Aegean Sea is.

I knew it was somewhere in the Mediterranean but I presently forgot and didn't think anything more of it. Then come October and we decided to book a last minute holiday in the sun to help us relax during the mid-term break.

I decided that it would be ideal if we could visit a volcano as part of this experience. So I was looking at the Canary Islands, which are islands belonging to Spain off the West Coast of Africa and have a lot of volcanic history.

Days and days were spent trying to book this holiday and it was not flowing. But still I was forgetting my Aegean Sea message and then a travel agent phoned me, once I had asked the dragons to come in and clear the blocks to us having an amazing holiday, our first holiday abroad as a family in a hotel and the next morning I woke up to a phone call from a different holiday from the one I was using saying they had found what seemed a perfect hotel for us on the Island of Kos.

Now the Island of Kos had a special place in my heart, but I did not know what water body it resided within. So when we looked at the hotel and decided that this was the place we were going to go to I was thinking of my dear friend Alison who took part in many of my courses and flew out to Cos 4 or 5 times a year, she was planning in her retirement to move out there and set up a healing centre and had asked me to go with her and check it out with her and I'd never been able to do this because unfortunately she passed away very suddenly three years previously.

But only after we had booked did I go and look at the exact location of the Island of Kos, I knew it was a Greek island near Turkey but it sits within the Aegean sea and as soon as I saw that I thought of course the dragons told me that in March and if I'd followed my guidance I could have booked it sooner, I wouldn't have wasted my days which I had done previously trying to book a holiday for the Canary Islands and I may have also booked it sooner and got a discount.

None of that mattered I was just delighted to be going to this beautiful island. When we arrived on the land I instantly felt at home, the land had very feminine energy and we got checked in late at night to our hotel room which was a bungalow room 30 metres walk, if that, to the Aegean Sea.

We were lucky the weather was a beautiful 27 degrees every day we were there and when I first stepped foot inside the energy of the Aegean my heart just opened. For the next seven days I swam every day in this beautiful sea, which was very salty but warm.

The only place I can compare I've ever had the feeling emotionally akin to it is on the magical Island of Iona off the West Coast of Scotland, a famous heart centre of the Earth. So every day I connected to the Water Dragons of the Aegean and every day I felt happier and got weller and I felt so grateful for this special experience.

So I share this blog with you to inspire you to follow the guidance the dragons have to offer you and no matter how many blocks are standing in your way, if you call the dragons in to shift them they will dissolve them and that is what I had done without realising it, by asking the dragons to help me have a beautiful holiday with water, with palm trees, lots of flowers, delicious food. The dragons heard my plea knowing that the best place for me to go was to the Aegean Sea. So here is an invocation to help you follow and call upon your dragon guidance.


"I call upon the wisdom of the dragon realm.

I ask for your support and guidance in aiding me into my path of alignment.

Please help me follow any wisdom that you are able to share.

Please dissolve, transmute, transform any blocks that are stopping me following your dragon guidance.

Please unravel, dissolve any timelines, any entities, any conditioning that stops me moving into this place of joy with you.

I ask you to support me in trusting fully that your guidance is for my highest and best.

It is with great honour and great joy that I wish to connect and be shown what guidance you are able to give me at this time.

If you have a particular problem or issue you wish that you are looking to get guidance on just ask for the guidance on that topic now. Adoni.

So on reflection and having done this invocation again I am able to see that there were various things that were blocking me following that guidance instantly.

The first one that came up was unworthiness, not feeling worthy of having an amazing all inclusive holiday, not feeling able to justify spending money on myself and my family for that one week and a belief that good things never come easily to me.

Once I'd identified these key beliefs I was able to ask the dragons to dissolve this and shift this and although when I was on the island I still had occasional moments of "I can't believe how much money we've spent on this experience" every time I went into the sea the dragons just dissolved this and a further layer of my lack of self love and self worth.

By the end of the holiday I was planning my next one! I had a tear in my eye on leaving the Island of Kos, it really touched my heart. I feel really passionate now about helping people to find the places on Earth that will really touch their heart and soul that way too.

So I am putting out there now for the dragons to guide me to my next location that is going to help fill me up and nurture me with self love and I hope you have that experience also.


November 5, 2020
For the month of November Alphedia is running a Daily Dragon Exercise in our Dragon Wisdom School Facebook group. The dragons have asked that we take some time each day to connect in with a specific type (eg, fire, air, water). This is to help deepen our connection with the dragon realm and allow for greater healing experiences. Each day there will be an invocation to use for your meditation, information on the dragons and the opportunity to discuss and tell of your stories and healings with the Dragons. This is also a great way to connect with others in the group and to share our experiences. So far this week we have connected in with the beautiful Water dragons, the Ether dragons and the Air dragons. It is great to hear how others connect and communicate with dragons, as well as being a great place to ask any questions you may have around your work with the dragon realm. If you would like to take part you can join the group here:
By Alphedia Arara February 19, 2019
More and more people are hearing the call to work with the dragons which is fantastic! and people often ask me what's the best way they can connect with them. I would say it's very important not to have any expectations of how communicating and working with the dragons will be, just trust your gut feeling and intuition.
By Alphedia Arara January 10, 2019
Dragon energy is great to work with to help you get motivated! Currently I'm working on the new Dragon Wisdom School website which has been down for two years! This time of year when it's so dark it can be hard to get motivated to get your day started! I'm NOT a morning person but if I sit with a dragon skull and meditate first thing they will shift blocks that are manifesting as lack of motivation to get on with the day!
By Alphedia Arara November 16, 2018
So for this first blog post I though I would start at my spiritual beginnings! Welcome to my new blog on Dragons! This is where I will be posting up my Dragon experiences and information they bring through for me. I will also be sharing dragon experiences from myself and others. If you have a dragon experience you would like to share please email it through.
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