Welcome to my new blog on Dragons! This is where I will be posting up my Dragon experiences and information they bring through for me. I will also be sharing dragon experiences from myself and others. If you have a dragon experience you would like to share please email it through.
In 2006 I met my wonderful husband and soul partner Auraengus (then Richard for those who have read Messages from Nature's Guardians). He was introduced to me as a homeopath to help heal my eyes. At the time I was unable and had been for 3 years, to be able to tolerate any artificial light. Ponder on that for a moment...
Dark night of the soul
From around 4pm in the Scottish winter until 8am the next day, I was sat, on my own, in the dark for 3 years. Talk about going through the dark night of the soul! Not only was I intolerant to light for 3 years but for 2 years I was unable to tolerate sound. I couldn't listen to radio or audio books to distract me from my predicament and pass the time. I also couldn't move for over a year either. I was alone with my own thoughts, day after day in the same room, looking at the same view.
You may be wondering how I got through that period without depression or panic attacks! To be honest I wonder that myself now too! Bizarrely I just surrendered into the space I was in! Not knowing that was what I was doing. I had no other option if I wanted to stay alive. I had a strong knowing within me that this was what I had to do and that one day someone would come and help me heal. I surrendered into trust in my inner knowing.
Now often in the channelings I bring through the higher light beings are asking us to surrender into trust in the divine, which many people either don't understand yet or their ego has difficulty with this process. Part of my work with the dragons is to help people transmute their inner blocks to trusting their selves and their inner guidance.
When I was ill, my parents cared for me at home for which I am extremely grateful. At the time of all this happening I was not spiritual in the slightest. I didn't know anyone who was either. All my family were Church of Scotland and I had rejected that path by the time I took ill at 23. However I now know it was during this period I experienced a soul swap or you may know it as Walk in experience. This knowledge/realisation came to me in 2011. Fiona, who I was, left the body I have now in 2004 and I, Alphedia, came back onto Earth. I have had many hundreds of incarnations on Earth in various roles including High Priestess of the Nature Spirit Temple in Atlantis and Dragon Initiate High Priestess in the Atlantean experiment too. The Arara in my name is my Lemurian Priestess name which I was reminded of in a Lemurian Dolphin workshop I channelled in 2013 and told to start to use.
I, Alphedia, as a soul have returned for many reasons but one is to help recreate Temples of Light on Earth to support the Ascension process and to gather souls together who are here on the same mission. A mission to ultimately support Mother Earth as she moves more fully into her 5th dimensional versions of herself and we humans do too. A big part of my mission, the Dragons tell me, is to reawaken the dormant knowledge within you to remember why you are here and support you on your Earth Healing work and your inner ascension journey to higher levels of consciousness.
To aid you to be the highest aspect of yourself at any given moment and to remove the fear programming and other ego drivers and conditioning that we have taken on that is not our truth and just hinders our soul progression.
My psychic healers
So somehow my guides needed to help me wake up to my spirituality! They did this by bringing in key people who were on their path and were aware there was more to life than the material world, that you have a soul who lives on beyond the physical death and that you are here for a soul purpose.
They brought me two psychic healers (who didn't call themselves that) to wake me up! One of them being my dear husband Auraengus. The other was Joyce, a neurophysiologist who has now crossed over. Joyce was found by my Auntie who ran a health store and she started to treat me with ion therapy which alkalised my body. The cell care therapy machine started to help reduce the brain swelling and get my central nervous system functioning again.
She also did the initial physical rehabilitation to get me moving, able to walk, clean my teeth, hold cutlery which took around two years until I was able to do basic tasks we take for granted again all be it with limited ability. It was through working with Joyce who had very strong healing intuition that my sixth sense started to develop. I also started to have experiences of spirits visiting me and angels. I could clearly hear and see them and thought everyone who was into this spiritual work could!
My husband gave me my life back
It was when I met my now husband however that my journey with the nature spirits really started. He cured my eyes with Merlin's vortex healing and homeopathy (something the top Scottish eye doctor told me they were 25 years away from doing) and by doing so gave me my life back again. Luckily for me he fell in love with me too despite our 26 year age gap we knew we were to be together. A true connection of souls. Our souls have known each other many, many lifetimes and he is on a similar mission to me to help Mother Earth and heal and inspire others on their path.